You can make a one-on-one appointment for baseline testing and/or post-injury testing by calling Performance Rehab at (913) 681-9909 or filling out an appointment request on their website. Testing takes about 45 minutes and will typically take place.
Kansas City Football and Cheerleading established a Concussion Management Program in 2011 for 5th through 8th grade participants in its football and cheer programs. In 2017, a pediatric version of the ImPACT test became available for children ages 5-11 as well.
The program consists of four (4) elements:
- Partnership with Performance Rehab
- Baseline Testing Program
- Coaches Training
- Protocol for Returning to Participate
Performance Rehab Partnership. The corporate partner program with Performance Rehab provides KCFC with baseline concussion tests from the ImPACT Testing Program at a discounted cost; supervised testing locations at all Performance Rehab locations; medical first aid kits for all football teams and cheer squads; certified medical staff coverage at games, and multiple concussion/first aid management seminars for coaches as part of the KCFC Coaches Certification Program.
Baseline Testing Program
- Purpose. The purpose of the program is to establish a neurological baseline for KCFC participants that can be compared with brain activity following a concussion. This will assist the medical clinician in evaluating the effects of the concussion and in determining when a participant can safely return to participating in practice and games.
- Description of the Program. The testing software selected to be used is the ImPACT Testing Program. ImPACT is a sophisticated, research-based computer test developed to help clinicians evaluate an individual’s recovery following a concussion. ImPACT is a 20-30 minute neurocognitive test battery that has been scientifically validated to measure the effects of a sports-related concussion. Prior to the season beginning, each participant may have a baseline test. When a concussion is suspected during the season, a follow-up test is administered to see if the results have changed from the baseline. This comparison helps clinicians to diagnose and manage the concussion. Follow-up tests can be administered over days or weeks so clinicians can continue to track the individual’s recovery from the injury.
- Administration. This program will be offered on a voluntary basis to KCFC football and cheer participants beginning at age 5. There will be a $10 charge for the ImPACT baseline test but no charge for post-tests, if needed. Generally, the program will operate as follows:
- The tests will be scheduled prior to the fall season, and will be conducted at a supervised testing location. The opportunity to sign-up for the test will be available after registering for tackle football or cheerleading online through the KCFC website. If a participant took the test in 2017, it is not necessary to take the test again until 2019.
- Testing will consist of logging into the ImPACT Testing website and taking a 20-30 minute individual evaluation consisting of verbal and visual memory, processing speed and reaction time. During the testing, Performance Rehab will conduct an educational seminar on concussions for parents.
- All test results will remain within the ImPACT Testing company’s database and only accessed if there is a need for a secondary test due to trauma.
Coaches Training. It is the coach’s responsibility to evaluate participants if an injury occurs, handle basic first aid, coordinate medical response services as needed, inform parents of the injury and complete the KCFC incident report form. To help coaches determine when someone might be questionable, Performance Rehab will provide seminars to educate coaches on what symptoms to look for in a concussion as well as any type of sprain or bone injury. There will be multiple seminars during the football and cheer coach orientation sessions from which to choose to attend.
Protocol for Returning to Participate.
- It is the coach’s responsibility to evaluate participants who are injured at practices. During game days, it will be the medical staff retained by the club that will evaluate and recommend to his/her parents treatment options. If the injured participant has had a baseline test, the option will exist to be taken to Performance Rehab to have a secondary test administered and be diagnosed by a neurologist. Pursuant to Rule 9.04 (c), final authority to determine if a player can return to play if injured during a game rests with the medical staff retained by the club.
- A KCFC incident report will be filed by the coach for injuries during practice or games. All participants must have a release from a Medical Doctor (MD) before returning to practice or game competition.
Summary. The KCFC Executive Board is hopeful that this program will provide guidance and direction to coaches, participants and parents in dealing with the important issue of concussions sustained by young athletes. It coincides with one of the club’s long-range strategic objectives of improving its health and safety practices for overall protection of the participant.