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Boys and Girls Divisions available for the 2025 Spring Season!
The 6-week spring flag football season is for participants in Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Games are played on the weekends, primarily at Heritage Park Football and Soccer Complexes. Shawnee Mission School facilities may be scheduled if sufficient teams warrant an additional site.
Registration will be open on January 1st, 2025. Games will be played on Sundays, March 30, April 6, 13, 27, May 4, 18 (no games on Easter and Mother's Day). Make-up games may be played on Saturdays if there is a weather cancellation.
Practices are determined by the coach and will be held once or twice a week, at the coach's discretion. Shawnee Mission facilities can be requested by emailing [email protected]. Blue Valley requests need to go directly through the BV school district and Olathe does not reserve its schools for outside use -- it's first-come first-serve.
Teams are formed by high school area (if registrations allow and if coaches can be identified). Generally, players from the same school and grade will also be placed together. If you are already associated with a team/coach, please list head coaches name when registering. Flags and jerseys are included in a player's registration fee.
Athletes may only play on one KCFC team per season unless registered (and paid) for them to play on a second team. In addition, KCFC does not allow guest players -- only players who have registered and paid registration fees are eligible to participate.
There are no tournaments in spring football - 6 games are scheduled for the season.
Click here for Flag Rules