KCFC is dedicated to the training and development of our officials just as we are to our players. KCFC has been able to offer consistency over the years by only having 5 assigners over the last 35 years of the league, with John Dehan serving in this capacity for 10 of those years.
Nearly 50% of our staff officiates at the high school Varsity/JV level. Over 30 of them worked post season for KSHSAA, plus at least 5 of them worked the state tournament. Of the top level officials, they worked 45% of KCFC games played throughout the year.
KCFC continues to strive for consistency and fairness in games. This is accomplished by extensive training for new officials both on the court and in the classroom. We are constantly evaluating our officials. Evaluators watch games throughout the year; and a coaches grading card is required to be completed by the head coach. This grading card shows patterns for the weaker officials that are then addressed.
Obviously, we are proud of our officials and the job they do, but we do have issues that arise during the season. Our staff, headed by John Dehan, a veteran official of 25 years, addresses each of these issues as they arise.
For information on refereeing visit www.callthegame.com.